Subject: Kiwibank Account Notification Your Access Number on file with us has been limited due to suspicious activity

We want to let you know that we have the calling from the Lord to help those who are in need of loan, We offer loan at 3% interest,school loan church loan business loan investment loan real estate loan. if you are interested kindly contact Rev Father Abraham Singh with the information below. Ra singh Email: muthles consultant

I shall explain fully to you the position and your stake too on receipt of your positive response so we can proceed

If you want to continue using our services, you have to renew your online account right away. If not, your account will be deactivated.

I am indeed sorry for contacting you through this means. However, I assure you that it is discreet and totally legit. I am Sahih Al-Bukhari one of the attorneys to Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi (Col. Gaddafi’s son). I am sure you are aware of the political situation in my country, Libya. As a result, many assets and funds belonging to Col. Gaddafi’s family and government officials are being frozen by western government.I need your help to secure some of these funds which I have moved out through diplomatic security means as a consignment and deposited it with a Security firm in Europe.

please ensure you direct your response ONLY to this email below for more information and for sake of confidentiality [ albukharisahih ] or you can delete this message if you are disinterested.

Name: Fr

I am Apia Mesah, Audit Stanbic Bank Ghana. I am writing this letter to ask for your support and cooperation to carry out this business opportunity in my department, in , a consultant, Mr.Anthony Wales, made a numbered time (fixed) deposit for twelve calendar months, Valued at US$12,600, in my branch.

Upon maturity I sent a routine notification to his forwarding address but got no reply. After a month, a reminder was sent and finally I discovered from his contract employers that he has passed on. I am now faced with a problem of who to pass the fortune to.

According to the Ghana Law, the fortune is supposed to be bequeathed to the government. However don’t belong to that school of thought which proposes that the fortune of a deceased person be given to the government. I seek your assistance to act as the beneficiary of the inheritance, and lay claim to the legacy. All that needs to be done is to amend the WILL of the deceased person stating you as the beneficiary.

The funds will be shared between us. The sharing will be 50% for you and 50% for me. I need not emphasize to you that the sensitivity of this issue need not be toyed with by neglecting its confidentiality. At this point I want to assure you that your true consent, full cooperation and confidentiality are all that are required for us to take full advantage of this great opportunity.

Everything about you I have been told this is What I do for a living There is only one way you can help yourself if you want to live again

Note: this do not involve the police or let any one know about this, If you do I have no choice but kill you Don’t be surprise why am letting you know I want to help you if you will co-operate with me Contact my email if you want to live But if you don’t have respect 4 life, be prepare to dance to the music of the dead. I am very sorry for you , It is a pity that this is how your life is going to end as soon as you don’t comply. As you can see there is no need for me introducing myself to you because I don’t have any business with you, my duty as I am mailing you now is just to (KILL YOU ) and I have to do it as I have already been paid for that.

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